Advertising & Merchandising Campaignon the Parker Duofold Fountain Pen


An Analysis of the Parker Duofold Copy


 Explanatory Note

Between fifty and sixty universities and colleges offering courses in Advertising and Merchandising, requested "behind-the-scenes" information about the Parker Duo-fold advertising and merchandising campaign for class-room use. The proper execution of an advertising and merchandising campaign is a big job, and a sketchy outline of what was done, and why, falls far short of portraying a true picture and showing the full scope of the operation.

The conditions and problems which confronted The Parker Pen Company are typical of those which confront, and probably always will confront, manufacturers in other lines of industry. The analysis of this campaign has, therefore, been arranged in fairly complete and detailed form. We hope that the material presented may be of value to students and instructors of Advertising and Merchandising.

If more detailed or more specific information about any part of this analysis is wanted, the Advertising Department of this company will gladly furnish it.

 Published and Printed by The Parker Pen Company, Advertising Department, Janesville, Wisconsin, U. S. A.

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